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Anisha Kapoor talks about her passion and ways of relaxation

What are you passionate about?
I am very passionate about my friends and family. Besides, I love acting and dancing.

What is your idea of relaxation?
Relaxation is always with my family, friends and my dog. Whenever I get time, I move to Delhi and spend some time with my family.

What do you normally do as a way of relaxation after a long day of shoot?
After a long day, I don't feel like doing anything other than sleeping. But I do soak my legs in warm water for few minutes as soon as I get home. I have a feet massager, so get a good massage before having my dinner and hitting the bed.

How do you chill out?
I chill out by watching movies. Also, I am a perfect party person, so club and party a lot.

Do you think Yoga helps in relaxation?
I have no idea, as I have never done yoga. I used to workout at the gym, but now do not get time even for that. I am doing two daily soaps, and managing time gets tough for me.

What are your hobbies other than acting and dancing?
I love to surf the internet. I am a frequent visitor of Facebook and I login to my account everyday.

Comentarii album • 6
ShAnTiLoVeSrK 3 May 2010  
ce cu deepika....si srk undei??:))
LittleDoll 23 May 2010  
nu am gasit:)))
vidya92 18 March 2010  
fff thare...:D
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